Tag Archives: Work

Start Writing A Journal

An ideal time to write, comfortable digs, a great pen, and endless sheets of fabulous paper can make journaling more enjoyable. But if you think you can’t start journaling right this minute because you lack the right tools, you’re totally kidding yourself. One of the most attractive elements of journaling is its simplicity. Journal writing […]

Improve Your Productivity

Every self-help program talks about the importance of taking a 10-15 minute break to boost your productivity. Breaks give us much needed time to rest our eyes, move around, stretch our stiff muscles, get more blood and oxygen flowing to our brain, to unwind and obtain a fresh outlook on complex work problems. There is just […]

Modify Your WordPress Theme

Want to know the secret of having a custom WordPress Theme just like the coding and design experts, Without having to create your own custom WordPress Theme? Are you a WordPress site developer wanting to significantly cut your development time by using your own WordPress Theme Framework? Or do you just plain wish editing WordPress Themes […]

Overcoming Your Failure

Failure is the most important step to reaching success, but it can still feel like it’s crushing your soul. To make failure your friend and not your enemy, you must overcome it. Here are some strategies for moving on after a tough break. Normally, though, we reserve the word failure for the bigger things. The […]